‘June, 2019’ Archive
HBOT Helps with Severe Headaches!
All of us know someone limited and even debilitated by
Severe Headaches.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is helping!
Migraines can be very debilitating.
- They vary in intensity.
- Symptoms may cause nausea.
- There may be light and sound sensitivity.
- They may cause cardiovascular disease.
- Migraines can cause early death along with thoughts of suicide.(1)
A migraine headache is a complex multi system disorder. It appears to be caused by changes in the diameter of arteries to the brain (contractions or dilatation). The blood vessels are quite literally intertwined with all other mediators of migraine pathophysiology.(2)
There are many institutions and foundations studying risk factors and triggers or genetic predispositions, but the cause(s) are still unknown.
How HBOT helped eliminate Raquel’s migraine headaches
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is defined by The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Society (UHMS.org), as breathing 100% oxygen at a pressure greater than one atmosphere absolute (ATA).
Did you know that for headache sufferers
- Creates temporary vasoconstriction to reduce headaches and supersaturate brain tissue with increased oxygen.
- Decreases inflammation.
- Stops cell death.
- Creates an increase in the rate of energy-producing and neurotransmitter-related metabolic reactions in the brain which require molecular oxygen.
- As Dr Paul Harch says: “HBOT is laying the biological foundation and the peripheral enhancements… HBOT Is a treatment for wounds of any location of any duration including the brain”
HBOT therapy is based on a “simple” idea: Oxygen can be used therapeutically for a wide range of conditions where tissues have been damaged by oxygen deprivation. Restore that oxygen, goes the logical thinking, and you can restore much of the lost function.
As Dr. Paul Harch says, if a migraine headache is the result of a wound or injury to the brain (traumatic brain injury, toxic brain injury, etc.), regardless of the date of occurrence, HBOT is, with many patients, reducing, reversing, and eliminating many of these symptoms.(3)
HBOT delivered at the time of an acute migraine can abort symptoms by constricting the dilated blood vessels that cause a migraine’s pulsing sensation.(4), (5)
In a preliminary report studying 20 migraineurs, the patients receiving HBOT had significant relief of headache symptoms.
Please read this study showing that there is evidence for HBOT for acute migraines or cluster headaches as well as supplemental oxygen in cluster headaches.(6)
For more supportive research, please read,
Treating Cluster Headaches with Oxygen (7)
Cluster headaches also called suicide or alarm clock headaches (9) appear in cyclical patterns or clusters and are one of the most painful headaches after migraines. Cluster Headaches;
- Are usually one-sided.
- Occur around or in the eye but may radiate to other areas of your face, head, neck and shoulders.
- Impacts 1 out of 1,000 adults.
- Can last from 15 minutes up to 3 hours.
- Can occur daily.
- Can go on for years without remission.(8)
In this Cochran study in 2015, Five trials (103 participants) compared HBOT versus sham therapy for acute migraine, two trials evaluated HBOT for cluster headache
(29 participants).(9)
In a different randomized trial of 109 adults at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, England, patients with cluster headaches were treated at symptom onset using inhaled high-flow oxygen compared with placebo. The patients were more likely to result in being pain-free at 15 minutes.(10)
Daughter finds relief from Daily Cluster Headaches
with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Rich Garcia, suffering from cluster headaches,
writes of his experience at Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery;
I literally would not be alive today if it weren’t for this facility. It is hard to imagine any other facility having a more caring, knowledgeable and comforting staff. If you are at the end of your rope with cluster headaches, don’t walk, RUN! to Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery (AHR) in Marin County, CA..
Excruciating cluster headaches were ruining my life. I had become completely debilitated in unrelenting pain. Medications were not working on me as they had in the past. I even called friends over to pray with me, as I felt, I could not go on or live in acute pain, much longer.
After trying everything else my physicians had to offer, a new physician suggested I try HBOT. I did my research and flew out from Texas to California to come to what I feel is the BEST facility for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
I met with the Program Director, Janine Thill and immediately she helped me to see there truly was hope. She reminded me that this would require commitment and diligence from everyone involved. After meeting with Dr. Chan, AHR’s Medical Director, I began treatments.
Advanced Hyperbaric are an award winning hyperbaric facility, their medical grade chambers were the largest in size, they have been in business for 7+ years, (written in 2013) perfect safety record…all this and more put my panicked, pain riddled, mind at ease.
HBOT therapy was a slow process. The first week, I was exhausted, but my headaches were not as severe. The second week, I had hours with no pain at all, before it came back. The third week I went a day without a headache, my clarity, and thinking improved and my energy increased!
By the end of my therapy I noticed that my anxiety was almost gone, and I even started sleeping better. I am so thankful now to be PAIN FREE, no headaches for weeks now, I have been able to return to work and I am taking care of my family and extended family. Its simply a miracle.
HBOT is an alternative approach for headaches. Our physician consults with each of our patients to determine the proper protocol delivered. We offer subjective experience from treatment with HBOT.
The pressurized environment helps to reduce swelling and discomfort, while providing all tissues throughout the body with at least 10-30 times its normal supply of oxygen to help repair tissue damaged by the original occlusion or subsequent hypoxic condition. Hyperbaric Oxygenation (HBOT) directly increases the saturation of tissue oxygenation, slowing and reversing hypoxic induced apoptosis – restoring blood supply to the compromised region by the development of new capillary networks (neovascularization) enabling the body to alter the course and impact of the disease process. (11)
More reasons Why Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is effective:
Read these 22 reasons that HBOT can help you.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved treatment for 13 health indications. Most insurance companies reimburse these indications when prescribed by a Physician.
Our award winning facility is conveniently located 10 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge near beautiful San Francisco. We would love for you to come and tour our facility.
HBOT is given in a hard steel medical grade device called a Hyperbaric chamber.
We charge a fraction of the cost, using the same style chambers as a hospital-based Hyperbaric unit. Our Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) uses 100% medical grade oxygen in hard steel chambers to pressurize our patients at greater than atmospheric pressure. HBOT is designed to increase the supply of oxygen and reverse hypoxia to areas in the body that are not responding to other treatments.(12)
If YOU or anyone in your family or anyone in your community might be a candidate,
whose quality of life may be greatly improved with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy,
Please consider this remarkable medicine today.
Call us today for more information or to schedule a consultation with our Medical Hyperbaric Physician.
Advanced Hyperbaric Medical Director, Jacqueline S. Chan, DO
Hyperbaric Physician is Board Certified in Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine and Family Practice
Our 501c3 Charitable and Educational Non-Profit, saving life and limb, and alleviating suffering for the indigent and special needs friends in our own community. Donate to save lives, one-patient-at-a-time. Get your tax write off today!
Help us alleviate suffering, save or change a life, and especially
improve quality of life for our local Bay Area Neighbors!
Please Donate now.