Did you know that there is an incredible painless healing modality that aids rapid recovery following dental work? There are new advancements in research regarding postradiotherapy cases, osteonecrosis of the jaw, osteomyelitis, periodontal disease, and dental implants. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can even be used in conjunction with other procedures such as bone grafting.
The FDA has approved Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) for recovery from dental procedures, including post extractions, post surgical healing, pre and post implant procedures, osteomyelitis (jaw or facial bone infections), cavitations, oral non healing wounds, non healing soft tissue infection, and osteoradionecrosis, or complications in radiation therapy that leads to bone damage of the jaw. HBOT aids in the healing process of many dental procedures.
HBOT assists with post surgical healing through angiogenesis, or growth of new blood vessels, prevents infection, and assists antibiotics to kill bacteria. Patients report reduced hospitalization time, infection clearing due to the antibiotics working better, as well as reducing the adhesion of leukocytes, thereby reducing inflammation, swelling and edema in the area.
On our website, we detail the full benefits a patient may receive with doing HBOT before and after certain dental procedures here, Dental • Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery, Inc. Sometimes HBOT is used in conjunction with the surgical procedure, as well as antibiotics to give the patient the best opportunity for true and complete healing. Comparatively, according to studies, healing time is greatly reduced when a patient also has HBOT treatments and less complications from their procedures are reported.
In this study, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy – Can It Be the New Era in Dentistry? – PMC, it describes the benefit of HBOT in connection with different dental conditions that are covered by insurance, and the effects it has on the healing process. The study finds that in the case of osteomyelitis, there was an increase in “the host response and at making the environment more favorable for the action of the inflammatory cells.” In a study which was done on the treatment of chronic refractory osteomyelitis, 11 out of 14 patients were successively treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy without any complications.” The study concluded that “hyperbaric oxygen therapy serves a promising future and a new era of safer treatment modalities.”
Osteomyelitis is a condition that can be caused by staphylococcus bacteria. It is incredibly painful, and it enters the bone through the bloodstream. It is an infection of the bone. Some individuals may be more at risk if they have conditions like diabetes, or kidney disease. Treatment includes antibiotics and surgery at the site. HBOT is being used for osteomyelitis because of the antibiotic enhancing abilities of the oxygenation process. Here, Adjuvant hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of hemodialysis patients with chronic osteomyelitis, a comparison study was done for patients with chronic osteomyelitis. They were given HBOT treatments when the tissue failed to heal after traditional methods, and it was concluded that HBOT “is effective as an adjunct to aggressive medical and surgical treatment.”
A patient, Helena S, was not able to treat her osteomyelitis due to a tooth abscess. The pain was unbearable. Since starting HBOT at Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery INC, Helena has seen major improvements. “This program has certainly improved my well being from the standpoint of improved blood flow to the area of my jaw, and hopeful improvement of the infection long term…I’ve noticed an amazing side effect, a marked improvement in my vision. It has been really remarkable.” The full testimony is here, Dental Osteomyelitis Patient Recommends Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT).
Contact us to learn how you can benefit from HBOT following your next dental surgery, or oral procedure. We can answer any of your questions, including if it will be covered by your insurance (most dental patients using HBOT will be). Here at Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery INC, we will make sure you receive the best in care. Call us at 415-785-8652 to start your HBOT journey.
HBOT Can Lower Pain in Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms
Opioid withdrawal is a painful process and for some can even turn into addiction. Many people go to rehab to completely recover from their withdrawal and addiction. Many times they are given an opioid as prescribed by a doctor to recover from surgery, such as codeine, morphine, or Vicoden. These are very serious drugs, but are sometimes needed in life or death situations or during the very painful healing process. Symptoms of withdrawal may depend on the drug itself, which include racing heart, anxiety, diarrhea, chills, high blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, increased body temperature, and/or muscle and bone pain. Please contact American Addiction Centers if you or a loved one is in pain from opioid withdrawal symptoms.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is used to relieve pain from situations like surgeries, post radiation effects, traumatic brain injuries, diabetic foot, and many more. Please see our list here FDA Approved Conditions for HBOT • Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery, Inc of FDA approved conditions that your insurance can cover if you choose HBOT.
Drug rehab and recovery with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) can ease the process and improve quality of life for so many patients. When oxygen is saturated within the body, it is able to naturally increase hyperoxia, or oxygen levels, in tissues. Increased oxygen reduces cerebral edema and makes the blood cells stronger, more able to carry out their healing processes efficiently. Pain and inflammation is also reduced, since white blood cells are able to remove cell debris and toxins more efficiently, thus improving healing time. HBOT helps the patient detox, so there is less toxicity load on the body.
Many patients report pain reduction with HBOT. A trial was done on individuals who had terrible opioid withdrawal symptoms, and they tried HBOT to assist in tapering off the drug. According to the study, “Opioid withdrawal symptoms were reduced after Day 1 of HBOT by twice as much, on average, compared with the control condition. Satisfaction surveys found participants were generally satisfied with ease and comfort of the treatment.” The full study is here Hyperbaric Oxygen to Assist Adults With Opioid Use Disorder in Reducing Methadone Dose.
Lynn D’s experience from Santa Rosa CA. “I am a prominent Real Estate agent in Sonoma County, after my hip replacement I was in tremendous pain. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy at Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery in San Rafael, not only helped me heal so much faster than I did with my first hip replacement, but it also helped me get off the pain medications so that I could get back to work quicker. I felt my body detoxing off the anesthesia and opioids and felt that cloud LIFT so my cognitive function came back and I never looked back. Thank you Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery and your amazing team for all of your help and loving care! A True healing oasis.”
A patient of Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery INC, Claudia G, noticed a significant decrease in pain and swelling after teeth removal surgery. She stated, “I went into the chamber after I had my wisdom tooth removed, it helped with the pain and swelling… After my treatment I definitely felt a difference in my face, the cheeks were not as swollen, and my pain was gone.” HBOT is extremely effective in reducing pain, making it a wonderful mode for recovery in many conditions, including pain from opioid withdrawal..
Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery is located in San Rafael CA, contact us at 415-785-8652 for more information if you or a loved one is suffering painful opioid dependence and are struggling with withdrawal symptoms. Share this blog with your friends and family, and follow us on Instagram and Facebook @AdvancedHBOT. Healing the body with oxygen from medical grade hyperbaric chambers is a painless, non-invasive, relaxing treatment with numerous benefits.
HBOT: Let’s Discuss Medicare
Do you know someone suffering with a non-healing wound? Or pain following radiation? Are you suffering with a non-healing wound following surgery or radiation?
HBOT has helped MANY alleviate suffering and heal chronic conditions. But more than that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has helped our dear older ones on MEDICARE, FINALLY heal so they may restore self-reliance and independence in their lives. Here at Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery we are humbly accepting MEDICARE patients.
The experience of Maryann, who was able to heal and move back into her own apartment after a prolonged stay in a care home and restored her independence, warms our hearts. We were able to offer HBOT to Mary Ann, and alleviate her many painful symptoms. Since Advanced is now contracted with MEDICARE, we can now accept many patients like Maryann who are suffering from accepted conditions, such as non-healing wounds. If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms such as acute pain, soreness, numbness, constant urination, exhaustion, dry skin, as well as wounds that will not heal, please go see a primary care doctor to ask about diabetes.
340 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes. 20% of diabetic sufferers experience foot ulcers that will not heal, which doctors call a nonhealing wound. These can become infected, and the affected area might need to be amputated to prevent further infection. According to Mechanistic insight into diabetic wounds: Pathogenesis, molecular targets and treatment strategies to pace wound healing – ScienceDirect, diabetes affects the body’s ability to heal its wounds properly.
Maryann had a non-healing diabetic wound in her toe that would not close because of infection. After months of going back and forth to the hospital and rehab, the doctor said she would have to lose her toe. Maryann said, “I wasn’t taking any chances this time, and I had heard about Hyperbarics from a friend, not to mention my own brother had done treatments and it helped to save his leg from amputation! My treatments have been a God send! My wound has healed magnificently and prevented further amputation of my foot.” She was able to regain her independence and get rid of her wheelchair, her walker and even her cane. She was so proud that she could even drive again! Her HBOT journey and full testimonial is located here Grandmother Avoids Amputation and Regains Independance.
HBOT works by lowering inflammation, increasing collagen production, and it has antimicrobial properties by saturating the body with oxygen from the hyperbaric chamber. According to the study Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for nonhealing wounds: Treatment results of a single center, “81% of all patients referred showed that the wound was healed/or was near complete healing… HBOT may decrease the need for minor or major amputations in the case of diabetic foot ulcers in particular.” Not only was the nonhealing wound affected positively by HBOT, any other wounds the patient had were well on their way to being healed by the HBOT sessions too.
Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery Inc. has a physician on staff that can answer any of your HBOT questions, and we will handle all the insurance paperwork for MEDICARE payment.
Here at Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery Inc, we treat each patient with the highest degree of respect and care. Contact us at 415-785-8652. We are conveniently located in San Rafael, and look forward to sharing the exciting science behind how HBOT helps improve quality of life for so many.
HBOT Increases Stem Cell Proliferation 8-fold!
According to The Mayo Clinic, “Stem cells are the body’s raw materials — cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated. Under the right conditions in the body or a laboratory, stem cells divide to form more cells called daughter cells.” The full article is listed here Stem cells: What they are and what they do – Mayo Clinic. Stem cells create red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Using oxygen for energy, these cells can move and form into new cells and tissue when needed by the body. Only stem cells can do this.
At Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery INC we provide Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) treatments for those patients that may be more complex and have difficulty healing. If you are new to HBOT, a hyperbaric chamber saturates the cells with 100% oxygen. Stem cells proliferate, and angiogenesis speeds healing. Stem cells are an important part of the healing process with HBOT. HBOT can provide an 8 fold increase in your own stem cell production!
Stem cells come from either embryonic cells, or adult stem cells. Researchers used to think that adult stem cells could only create similar types of tissue, but they are discovering that adult stem cells can be used to grow tissue from other parts of the body. If these cells are from the same individual they will most likely be accepted by the body in a transplant. Many people can benefit from stem cell therapy, such as those with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, spinal cord injuries, heart disease, burns, and many more. HBOT allows the stem cells to proliferate, and heal the area of the body that is damaged. According to a study by the American Journal of Physiology, the article states, “Over a course of 20 treatments, circulating CD34 cells (stem cells) increased eightfold…” The article is here Stem cell mobilization by hyperbaric oxygen | American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology.
A local teen found out she had an infection in her foot, and went to the hospital. It was severe. She was given the usual antibiotics treatment. According to the testimonial, she said, “The patient insisted on getting a prescription for HBOT…Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was essential for helping clear out the infection rapidly and effectively.” In no time, the teenager was able to perform music and her usual activities after successful rounds of HBOT. The teenager did her research, and advocated for herself. Her testimonial is here Fungal Infection • Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery, Inc.
Please give us a call at (415) 785-8652 for a phone consultation to see if you may benefit from HBOT. Here at Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery INC, your Quality of Life matters. If you are experiencing any of the conditions that HBOT is able to assist with, the highly trained staff will take care of you. We serve the Greater Bay Area and are your premier providers for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
We Now Work with Medicare!
Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery INC is now accepting Medicare patients! Finally the ones who need us the most, the retired, elderly and or disabled, as well as those who are on a fixed income, can have a chance at advanced healing to regain independence and self-reliance.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a painless out-patient therapy used by patients for advanced healing. Medicare will pay for HBOT when a facility has physician supervision, uses medical grade hard chambers and medical grade oxygen along with many other credentialing requirements. Once traditional medical care stops working for a period of 30 days, Medicare may pay for HBOT.
Medicare patients can now be seen by approved HBOT facilities, such as Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery INC in Marin County. Medicare will now pay for the approved conditions set by the FDA. Even if you or a loved one has a condition that is not FDA approved, the highly trained specialty staff at Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery will use case studies and research to help determine if HBOT may improve your quality of life. Increased oxygenation to damaged cells will be able to facilitate healing in a number of ways. Our Science section Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy HBOT – The Science displays what HBOT does when cells receive oxygen from the hard chambers at Advanced.
There are 14 FDA approved conditions that cover most of the cost of HBOT treatments that Medicare patients can take advantage of. These include but are not limited to non-healing wounds, post radiation effects, and bone infection, crush injury, some burns, cyanide poisoning, decompression sickness, and progressive infections.
Numerous conditions are being currently studied as to the reported benefits of HBOT. These investigational conditions include fungal infections, Neurological Conditions such as M.S., systemic infections such as Lyme disease, pain cycle dysfunction such as fibromyalgia and rad/crps. Patients have reported reduced pain and inflammation after HBOT, as well as improved recovery or remission of symptoms. The starburst slot re-spin function takes place in a brand new window that seems above the usual grid. Starburst online casino free spins is now Bigger, Better and prepared for More Free Spins than Ever!
HBOT is a relaxing experience for many, and is 100% supervised by a highly trained, educated and Nationally Certified medical professional. The patient can watch a movie or listen to music during treatment, and focus on healing. The condition the patient has determines how many sessions a person will have.
Quality of life can improve with HBOT therapy even after the most successful surgeries or radiation treatments. Here, Clinical Effectiveness of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Complex Wounds, this study shows that “HBO enhanced the wound healing process.”
HBOT has been proven to reduce pain and inflammation during the healing process. Depending on the protocol some patients need to produce Angiogenesis or the process of creating new blood vessels with oxygenation. Medical grade HBOT can produce an 8-fold increase in your own stem cell production! Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy works in conjunction with antibiotic treatments too by destroying bacteria which causes infection. Increased oxygenation helps repair your cells and tissues.
Jeff S found Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery after his spinal surgery. He found relief after a few sessions, and “…would definitely recommend to other friends, who have any kind of surgical procedure, where they want to accelerate internal healing.” Here Post Spinal Surgery healing accelerated by HBOT • Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery, Inc is Jeff’s full testimonial!
If you or a loved one has Medicare, and has an approved condition, listed here FDA Approved Conditions for HBOT • Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery, Inc, give us a call at 415-785-8652. You can also reach us at info@improvehealing.com for any questions. We post new articles each week, and you can also find us on Facebook (Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery of Marin – Home | Facebook) and Instagram @hyperbaricoxygentherapy. We look forward to learning more about your situation, and answering your questions on how HBOT can improve your quality of life.
HBOT Helps Heal Those With Brain Injuries
Two million people each year suffer from traumatic brain injuries, and a lot of them are mild. Rehabilitation and therapy is only somewhat successful in these patients. HBOT, or Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, is a wonderful way to fill in the gap of these treatments in those with TBI, or traumatic brain injury.
Those that suffer from post concussion syndrome may also benefit from HBOT. Post concussion syndrome patients can feel anything from headaches, dizziness, and cognitive dysfunction. These symptoms can occur for weeks to months after the initial injury. See your doctor if you have any of these symptoms after a head injury, even if the injury is mild.
Studies show that patient symptoms and quality of life improve when receiving HBOT. According to one study, “HBOT can induce neuroplasticity leading to repair of chronically impaired brain functions and improved quality of life in mTBI patients with prolonged PCS at late chronic stage.” The brain uses 20% of the total oxygen needed by the body. It has been shown that stem cells regenerate with the use of HBOT, which is pressurized oxygen, and that in turn angiogenesis is possible. Neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to form new neural connections due to circumstances like injury) is improved when given HBOT. The full study is here Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can Improve Post Concussion Syndrome Years after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury – Randomized Prospective Trial
The brain cannot function optimally after an injury. After an injury, oxygen cannot be used efficiently any longer. Multiple functions are disrupted after an injury. HBOT saturates the brain with oxygen, so that angiogenesis is possible with the formation of new blood cells. New blood vessels or capillary growth allow the brain to form neural connections and repair many times improving cognitive function. If parts of the brain are hypoxic (lacking oxygen), then HBOT may be able to enable healing in those areas. Studies are showing success stories with the use of HBOT in mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI).
Terry B gives high praise for Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery INC after suffering from two concussions within a few years of each other. She lives an active life and loves white water rafting. She had already known about HBOT before the first incident, so she called Advanced right away. Within 4 sessions, her post concussion syndrome improved dramatically. She said, “I was a little nervous about going into a chamber, I’d never done that before, and the staff was amazing…It was explained step by step what was going to happen.” After having another rafting accident, she knew Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery would get her in right away. She was able to heal both her physical injuries as well as her concussion syndrome. Terry experienced symptoms such as crying intermittently and dizziness (which all diminished with HBOT).
Breathing oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber improves the body’s own healing mechanisms and ability. It is an innovative medical healing therapy utilized for so many purposes. Call us today to learn what HBOT can do for you.
HBOT for Post Radiation Recovery
Jim Spence found relief for his suffering after coming to Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery. Jim received Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) treatments for radiation induced cystitis of the bladder following his radiation treatment. He said, “I haven’t had any issues with my bladder so far, which is very comforting…The staff is extremely helpful, and the facility is convenient…” He highly recommends HBOT for its numerous applications for healing, and praised Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery INC. His full testimonial is here https://bit.ly/3dd7BaG.
Radiotherapy on the pelvis can cause painful side effects like cystitis, vaginitis or proctitis. These can be debilitating, and disrupt everyday life. Radiation cystitis, vaginitis or proctitis can occur anytime after radiation treatment. Common symptoms following radiation are acute bladder infections, pelvic discomfort, and burning when passing urine. With vaginitis, which is an inflammation of the vagina, symptoms are discharge, burning, and itching. Proctitis discomfort includes frequent bowel movements, rectal pain, bleeding of the area, or pain on the left side of the abdomen. Talk to your doctor if you have any of these symptoms post radiation, and discuss HBOT as a possible method of recovery.
HBOT promotes angiogenesis and collagen within this tissue. Angiogenesis promotes healing in damaged blood vessels and the growth of new capillaries, enabling them to get oxygen to the surrounding tissue. Increasing oxygen to these tissues reduces inflammation, pain and creates collagen needed for healing. Collagen needs oxygen to function optimally, and it is used to help repair the damaged cells and tissues. In case of bladder infections, increasing the supply of oxygen to the area promotes faster recovery and prevents further infection. HBOT assists the uptake of the antibiotics and therefore speeds the recovery process from infection.
Review this exciting case study with over 100 post radiation patients who were followed up to 63 months. They all experienced radiation at the pelvic region, and had radiation induced cystitis. The study concluded, “Our results support the safety and long-term benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) on RIHC (Radiation Induced Cystitis) and other distressful bladder symptoms, which represents an expected improvement of quality of life in our patients.” The full article is here https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32736899/. It concluded that the sooner patients receive HBOT after radiation, the occurrence and duration of cystitis and other effects was greatly reduced.
HBOT improves patient quality of life after treatments such as chemo and radiotherapy. For those with more lasting, painful effects, HBOT is able to supply oxygen to those cells where it is needed the most and continue the healing process.
Consider Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery INC for you or a loved one if you suffer from any conditions listed in the Conditions section of the website. Follow our Facebook, Instagram and Google Business for updates. Contact us and we will be able to answer your questions on how HBOT can be applied to your current situation.
Pain Reduction with HBOT
The pain relief benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) have been proven by thorough research over the years. When cells are being given a greater oxygen supply, inflammation is reduced, stem cell production is increased 8 fold, and nerve endings are repaired so the healing can become more efficient. Thus, the patient’s pain from the injury decreases over time as they heal.
One simply cannot go to any oxygen chamber for these pain reducing benefits. A patient needs to go to a medical grade hyperbaric facility operated by licensed medical professionals that is well maintained to the highest standards. The chambers must use medical grade oxygen and be at proven pressures so the patient can receive the best benefits from the medical grade hard chambers. If these systems are in place, the FDA approves Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) for certain conditions.
The science of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has been around for 350 years. HBOT has been proven to decrease pain in many different types of pain syndromes, such as those caused by injury, non-healing wounds, burns, sonic injuries, radiation damage, infection injury and much more. According to a pilot study, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32947434/, HBOT significantly reduced pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients. Range of motion also increases when inflammation is lowered. Along with RA pain, HBOT is being researched to help with other conditions like lupus, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. HBOT at Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery INC can improve Quality of Life for many patients.
As with RA, HBOT is being considered for those suffering from Lyme Disease. Not only does the increased oxygen kill the bacteria, but HBOT also helps the patients reduce their suffering from the disease as well, improving their quality of life. Gayle L was a patient at Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery INC, and discovered she had Lyme Disease. “When I came in for my first treatment and met the rest of the team- I knew I was going to be okay and well taken care of no matter who was in the driver’s seat!…I thought for a few days that I had a temperature because I just felt “warm” inside. I realized I hadn’t felt what it felt like for my immune system and body to be working- I am feeling what “normal” feels like.” Gayle described that she began to feel much better after session 30. Talk to your doctor or to one of our physicians to see if your condition could benefit from HBOT, and our team can answer your questions on how it can reduce your inflammation and aid in the healing process.
The sooner the patient discovers HBOT, the faster healing can occur, and pain cycles can be improved or stopped all together. You have the ability to help others alleviate suffering right now, share this information and change lives.

stem cell production 8-fold.
How We Keep You Safe at Advanced Hyperbaric INC
Here at Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery INC, you, the patient, are our number one priority. That means our facility has high safety and sanitation standards. We make sure that our center, staff, and equipment all meet and exceed health and safety standards followed by all Major Hyperbaric Units in Hospitals.
Everything must work together in order for you to experience the best possible results with HBOT. This includes safety inspections, and disinfection procedures. Staff undergo daily health screenings, and N95 or greater face masks must be worn at all times inside. A third party inspector is involved to review all safety systems.
The building itself is up to date with earthquake and NFPA fire safety codes. Staff members make daily, weekly and monthly inspections of the facility and equipment. Our staff is trained in cleaning and disinfecting the hyperbaric chambers according to CDC, CAL OSHA and hospital standards. We use CDC approved agents, UVC light sterilization, HEPA Air scrubbers with UVC filtration, ionic filtration and anti microbial ducting.
Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery INC hires wonderful individuals that are highly trained in Hyperbaric Medicine by board certified institutions. Our Medical Director is a physician with more than a decade of experience in Hyperbaric Medicine, to apply the best practices possible. The technicians working the HBOT chambers are EMT or Paramedic Certified Hyperbaric Technicians to assist with struggling patients.
The chambers we use are steel and acrylic chambers able to go to the depth and pressure necessary for Nationally Proven protocols. There is copper piping for the oxygen that is silver soldered, and many HBOT centers do not do this. There is a 5-point safety manifold system that regulates pressure for each chamber. We are an HBOT facility that cares about our patients, we regularly do safety drills and emergency evacuations for facility and community preparedness.
All patients must come to our facility with a NEGATIVE COVID test regardless of vaccinations. As for our patients, masks are required and so are temperature checks. A staff member will ask daily screening questions to see whether you have been in contact with anyone with COVID-19, or experience symptoms before you even come into our facility. Next, vitals are taken before the patient is given their own 100% cotton scrubs to change into.
Once in the chamber the patient is able to communicate to staff members the whole time during their HBOT treatment. For your safety daily symptom ratings are taken and communicated to our Medical Director. Your information is safe with us too! Patient information is strictly confidential at our facility and is only communicated through a HIPAA Compliant EHR system. Schedule a consultation with one of our staff members so you can get started on your HBOT therapy. We look forward to speaking with you!