HBOT Helps Children With Cerebral Palsy
March is National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a neurological disorder that affects 1 in 303 children in the U.S. with 8,000 new cases every year, making it the most devastating motor disability in childhood. This tragic disorder affects movement, posture and other motor skills and may result in the need life-long care. (1)
True Medical grade Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) especially early on can help change the trajectory of a CP child’s life. Please read on! ……
CP is caused by abnormal development of the brain or damage to the developing brain that affects a child’s ability to control his or her muscles. There are several possible causes for this abnormality to the brain to occur.
The brain damage that leads to CP can happen any time before birth up to the first years of a child’s life, while the brain is still developing. (2) This brain damage can also develop during a long prolonged or difficult birth where the baby also may have a lack of oxygen.
The injury of CP manifests as problems with tone (muscle stiffness or floppiness), uncontrollable movement (dyskinesia), and poor balance and coordination (ataxia). There are four main types of CP.
- Spastic – affects 80% of patients and is characterized by increased muscle tone, stiffness, tightness of two or more limbs: one side, the legs, or all four arms and legs
- Dyskinetic – problems controlling movement; writhing, rapid, or jerky movements and varying tone are common
- Ataxic – problems with balance and coordination
- Mixed – a combination of the other 3 types
CP children also have other problems that are the result of the injury process affecting wider areas of the brain.
These include
- Problems with cognition
- Ophthalmologic impairments
- Hearing impairments
- Emotion, behavior
- Autonomic function (constipation, poor circulation) (2)
The above multiple problems and potential disabilities may include mental retardation, epilepsy as well as feeding difficulties.
Screening for these conditions should be part of the initial assessment. (5)
Management is multidisciplinary and requiring a multi level therapeutic team as well the entire family support network.
When Sammy came to us, he was without any motor control, unable to hold up his own head, unable to sit up. He cried day and night.
Sammy is now a happy little man who sleeps through the night. Over a 3 year period, Sammy received 172 HBOT treatments alongside his
multidisciplinary therapy regiment.
Now Sammy can sit up, scoot, reach out to hold his cup,
partially feed himself and verbalize many words. He loves music.
This latest video made us cry tears of JOY!
At 5 1/2 years old Sammy is seen here demonstrating great improvement.
As you can hear, Sammy receives extensive support from his loving family network.
Sammy continues to make improvements with every HBOT treatment set and is one of many more children in need of more HBOT therapy.
A first study with HBOT for children with Cerebral Palsy;
10 years in the making.
The study covers a 10 year span from 1996 and 2007 comparing the efficacy of intensive versus nonintensive rehabilitative treatment in children with cerebral palsy and the use of HBOT.
There were 150 children in four different groups. Each child received intensive rehabilitation care by the same therapist team, at the same center, using the same protocol, the same duration of follow. (1), (2)
This study is the first empirical study recognized by the Undersea Hyperbaric Medicine Society (UHMS) that demonstrates the efficacy for HBOT.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is one of several additional interventions to assist in the child or adult with chronic CP’s quality of life. (2)
Effected improvements in tests of gross and fine motor skills as well as decreased spasticity and improved visual capability are tested. (3)
HBO has been advocated for the improvement of both functional and cognitive ability. (7)
Many studies are done, and what is true is that there is much more to a child’s development and their parents experience than can be reported in a study.
A Letter to the Editor following a study done in 2001 it states; “It is important to state that everyone who was involved agreed that their improvements were statistically and clinically very significant. Statistics never reveals the whole picture. (4)
During this study (in Lancet above) we have seen many tremendous functional improvements. At an age where we did not expect any dramatic changes, some children started to walk, to speak, or to sit for the first time in their lives.” and the letter goes on.
(Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy for children with cerebral palsy (CP) is not new. This following study evaluated the effects of HBO2 therapy for 25 children, ages 5.6 +/- 1.6 yr with a functional diagnosis of spastic diplegic CP. Pre- and post-HBO2 evaluations consisted of the following measures: gross motor function measure (GMFM), fine motor function (Jebsen test for hand function), spasticity (modified Ashworth scale), video analysis, and parental questionnaire. The protocol for HBO2 therapy was 20 treatments for 60 min.
Results showed improved GMFM in three of the five items in the GMFM test, improved fine motor function in three of the six hand tests, reduced spasticity in three of four muscle groups when assessed by a physician specializing in CP, and improvements for four of nine questions posed to parents. (2)
Testimony from one mother regarding her 16 month old baby girl; (names are withheld)
We are now half-way through. It’s difficult to attribute our baby girl’s changes uniquely to HBOT as we are using HBOT in conjunction with other treatments and therapies but she has vastly improved since she has started the treatment: she is more present and alert, her vision is greatly improved (she focuses better, tracks better, smiles back at strangers), her tone and head control are stronger, she moves a lot more and started doing new things: touching her knees first and now started to play with her feet, better hand control when playing with her toys. She also improved her cough and how she manages her secretions. Our baby’s biggest issues are to be able to protect her airways and manage her secretions. When she is sick and must constantly fight to breathe, she cannot put much energy into learning how to move better and develop. HBOT gives her more energy to learn when doing therapies and also prevented her to be very sick when everybody got a cold and her sister was sick at home.
Yes! I Definitely recommend HBOT for anyone with kids of any age with what ever degree of CP. Its definitely worth investing in, as I have only seen positive outcomes so far. It has also been beneficial for me. I have had 20 dives (out of the 40 dive proven protocol) with our baby and I feel more full of energy than I have in a long time. Its been a huge support in helping myself to maintain my own health and wellbeing so I can be strong and present for my daughter. Having a child with very special needs can be exhausting and being able to help my daughter while also helping myself is amazing. Also my skin has become soft and elastic, the hairline fracture in my foot which would niggle from time to time is no longer noticeable and I really feel younger! ANONYMOUS, Netherlands
Michel Nadeau, who has cerebral palsy was once only wheel chair bound. Seen here performing breakdance moves at his Pincourt home.
Montreal residents; twin brothers, Michel and Matt Nadeau, were born with CP resulting from brain damage due to a lack of oxygen before birth. Read more about their very rare birth and their challenges. Mother, Claudine Lanoix, their advocate, wanted them to undergo hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which has shown positive results for people with cerebral palsy. Because of her very positive experience having her sons treated, she is now a Certified Hyperbaric Technician who runs the Island Hyperbaric Centre in Pincourt.
Hear a testimony of Marley’s mother. Marley, born with CP; hearing impairment, behavior and cognitive difficulties, kidney disease, all improved with HBOT.
Benefits of HBOT for CP include the following;
- Attenuates the Effects of Hypoxia on the Neonatal Brain
- Promotes Neurogenesis
- Moderates Mitochondrial Disorders
- Enhances Stem Cell Mobilization and Proliferation
- Increases Penumbra Tissue Recovery
- Escalates Neuroplasticity
- Advances Cognitive Function
- Improves Gross/Fine Motor Skills
- Enhances Speech & Language
- Alleviates Spasticity
- Lessens Frequence of Seizures
- Stimulates Better Eye Contact
- Improves Balance & Walking
Improvement is often subjective as reported by family members.
Dr. Giussippina Benincasa-Feingold MD
Dr. Giussippina Benincasa-Feingold MD, a pediatrician who worked in a pediatric emergency room; mother of 5. In 1996 she gave birth to a gorgeous baby, who would be diagnosed with CP and would suffer slow to no improvements.
Dr. Feingold was told about HBOT by her own mother. She disregarded HBOT for CP, calling it absurd. In her words “my mother would constantly badger me to try HBOT, and I finally gave in.”
At 3 1/2 years old, daughter Elisa began HBOT. After 12 treatments, the improvements were so dramatic that Dr. Feingold became convinced. During a 6 month period, daughter, Elisa received 120 treatments. That summer she had developed more than 1000 words and was actually making three-word sentences. She became completely toilet trained and, for the very first time since she was born, mom says, “I felt that I had a daughter!”
Read more of our colleague and amazing parent, Dr. Feingold.
Would you like to have a direct effect in changing the life of a Special Needs Child Or Help change the trajectory of a whole family’s struggling to support them?
You can DONATE to our Hope For Healing Institute, 501c educational and charitable non-profit. All donors receive a letter of donation acknowledgement. The donor uses this letter as proof of his or her contribution to claim a tax deduction. These precious Children are waiting for your help.
Please SHARE this information. Thank you very much!
More reasons Why Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is effective:
Read these 22 reasons that HBOT can help you.
For wound healing, HBOT will increase growth factors, endothelial progenaitor cells (EPCs), and stem cell production. (13)
HBOT is given in a hard steel medical grade device called a Hyperbaric chamber. HBOT has been defined by The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Society, as breathing 100% oxygen at a pressure greater than one atmosphere absolute (ATA). (14)
Our award winning facility is conveniently located 10 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge near beautiful San Francisco. We would love for you to come and tour our facility.
We charge a fraction of the cost, using the same style chambers as a hospital-based Hyperbaric unit.
If YOU or anyone in your family or anyone in your community might be a candidate,
whose quality of life may be greatly improved with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy,
Please consider this remarkable medicine today.
Call us today for more information or to schedule a consultation with our Medical Hyperbaric Physician.
Advanced Hyperbaric Medical Director, Jacqueline S. Chan, DO
Hyperbaric Physician is Board Certified in Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine and Family Practice
Help us alleviate suffering, save or change a life, and especially
improve quality of life for our local Bay Area Neighbors!
Please Donate now.
Open Your Heart to More Love and More Health
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) may be able
to benefit these Cardiac Complications:
- Historically used in Cardiac Surgery as early as the 1600’s
- Aiding tissue hypoxia following heart attack or prolonged cardiac surgeries
- Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)
- Cardiac Air Embolism
- Sternal Infection and Osteomylitits following Cardiac Surgery
- Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia (ARVD) (2)
One of the earliest indications using HBOT in cardiovascular surgery was in 1960 by a Dutch surgeon named Boerema (1).
A major strategy during cardiac surgery is managing to supply the body with enough oxygen while potentially stopping the heart and correcting the anomaly.
In a famous study by Boerema et al (2) they showed that animals can survive without blood cells while in a hyperbaric chamber. During this time without their blood, their EEG’s showed no pathological stress or changes and their circulation and blood pressure remained normal as a result of enough oxygen to maintain aerobic metabolism. After re-infusion of their blood, the animals, (pigs) lived normal playful lives.
Resulting from this research in the 1960’s, several countries designed HBO operating “theatres” specifically used for cardiac surgeries where mortality figures were lower than those reported without HBO.
Such was the case with Janet. She was born with a life-threatening condition called aortic valve stenosis, which blocks blood flow across the aortic valve. HBOT SAVED HER LIFE.
The Boston Children’s hyperbaric chamber remained in use until 1974, when rapidly advancing innovations such as the heart-lung bypass made it safe to operate on infants in normal operating rooms. But back in 1964, it was the cutting-edge hyperbaric chamber that gave infants a special chance at having corrective heart surgery.
Prior to a heart attack there will be plaque buildup in major coronary arteries preventing blood flow and oxygen to the heart. Hypoxia or lack of oxygen will cause a cascade of sequelae and potential injury to the heart. What may occur involves damage to cellular metabolism or to mitochondrial function. The changes are extensive and impact the body both micro and macro. (4)
Tissue hypoxia is often amenable to HBO therapy. (pg. 39, Jain Sixth ed.) In the management of disease resulting in tissue hypoxia, HBOT will supersaturate the plasma and the extracellular fluid; Henry’s Law. (5)
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS), includes acute myocardial infarction and unstable angina, is common and may prove fatal. HBOT will improve oxygen supply to the threatened heart and may reduce the volume of heart muscle that perishes. (6)
The main application of HBOT for ACS:
- Extensive heart muscle damage indicated by lab work showing lesser rise in muscle enzyme.
- Individual risk of major adverse coronary events and dysrhythmias reduced following HBOT
- An increase in pain relief with HBOT
As a Harvard Heart Letter From Harvard Health Medical publishing states, “Cancer treatment can be the proverbial double-edged sword. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are increasing the number of people who survive cancer. However, they can also cause these same people to develop cardiovascular disease.”
“Radiation therapy can cause heart attack, heart failure, and arrhythmias. Traditional and novel chemotherapy agents can damage the heart or peripheral blood vessels, or cause problems with clotting or blood lipids. Some serious cardiovascular effects occur while radiation or chemotherapy is being given; others appear long after cancer has become a distant memory.” Read More….
Massive arterial air embolism is a rare but devastating complication of cardiac operations. Several treatment modalities have been proposed, but hyperbaric oxygen is the specific therapy.
All 5 patients who were treated within 3 hours from the operation and 50% (2 of 4 patients) of those patients treated 3 to 5 hours from operation experienced a full neurologic recovery. With a delay of 9 to 20 hours, only 1 of 8 patients had a full neurologic recovery.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy should be administered as soon as possible after massive arterial air embolism during cardiac operations. (7)
Another study;
We are learning more and more from the successes of the treatment of damaged skin tissues with HBOT.
Because there is often scarring in the chest and leg during bypass surgery, in all likelihood HBOT would aid in healing this surgical scarring.
- HBOT boosts the body with anti inflammatory cellular components and pro immune responses that protect against infection. (8)
- HBOT supports in wound healing by supporting the immune system and will increase anti inflammatory proving to increase stem cell count by 8-fold.
- HBOT also supports angiogenesis bringing new vascularization to wound healing at tissue and organ levels. (9, 10)
Also, there is an enormous benefit of preventing or successfully treating the neurological injury that these surgeries can cause.
ARVD Heart Condition
Post Surgical HBOT
HBOT as an adjunctive treatment for sternal infection and osteomyelitis after sternotomy and cardiothoracic surgery (11)
More reasons Why Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is effective:
Read these 22 reasons that HBOT can help you.
For wound healing, HBOT will increase growth factors, endothelial progenaitor cells (EPCs), and stem cell production. (13)
HBOT is given in a hard steel medical grade device called a Hyperbaric chamber. HBOT has been defined by The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Society, as breathing 100% oxygen at a pressure greater than one atmosphere absolute (ATA). (14)
Our award winning facility is conveniently located 10 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge near beautiful San Francisco. We would love for you to come and tour our facility.
We charge a fraction of the cost, using the same style chambers as a hospital-based Hyperbaric unit.
Insurance will often pay for post radiation therapy damage. (15) If you think your radiation therapy for breast or throat cancers may have led to cardiac diseases, (16) please contact your physician for assistance. Please note that an ejection fraction of greater than 30% is required for our cardiac patients.
If YOU or anyone in your family or anyone in your community might be a candidate,
whose quality of life may be greatly improved with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy,
Please consider this remarkable medicine today.
Call us today for more information or to schedule a consultation with our Medical Hyperbaric Physician.
Advanced Hyperbaric Medical Director, Jacqueline S. Chan, DO
Hyperbaric Physician is Board Certified in Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine and Family Practice
Help us alleviate suffering, save or change a life, and especially
improve quality of life for our local Bay Area Neighbors!
Please Donate now.
Did you know Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Optimizes and Mobilizes Stem Cells Naturally?
Medical Grade Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) naturally:
According to a Case Study by Stephen Thom, MD, Ph.D., et al. at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, it is determined that a course of 20 hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments will mobilize and increase the number of circulating stem cells into human’s and animal’s bodies. (1)
Stem cells, called mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) exist in the bone marrow of humans and animals and are crucial to injury repair.
These MSCs are capable of changing their nature to become part of many different organs and tissues. In response to injury, these MSCs mobilize from the bone marrow to the injury site where they differentiate into cells that assist in that specific healing process.
In the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Study, Dr. Thom states, “this (HBOT) is the safest way clinically to increase stem cell circulation, far safer than any of the pharmaceutical options,” he further states “this study provides information on the fundamental mechanisms for hyperbaric oxygen and offers a new theoretical therapeutic option for mobilizing stem cells.” (2)
HBOT supports the body’s production and mobilization
of these very biologically versatile and potent stem cells.
Drugs used with stem cell injections can be associated with a host of side effects, whereas HBOT carries NONE of such side effects.
HBOT Improves Injected Stem Cell Viability
HBOT has also been used successfully in conjunction with stem cell injections to optimize the success rate of the procedure. HBOT helps to prepare the groundwork deep into injured tissues for a greater implantation effect of the stem cells . (3), (4)
Because of the Penn State study, patients who are at risk for osteoradionecrosis are referred to receive HBOT at facilities such as ours; Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery for prophylactic HBO treatments.
- Anyone suffering injury from repetitive motion.
- Car accident or any accident victim.
- Sports injury.
- Post cardiac, plastic or other surgeries or the prevention of surgeries.
- Those with Traumatic Brain Injury and Neurological Conditions.
HBOT is used for :
- Tissue O2 enhancement. (5)
- New vascularization and new tissue formation. (6)
- Anti inflammatory effect. (7)
- Anti-apoptotic effect. Gene regulation; to include, build up information exchange to teach the host cell to correct itself as much as possible. (8)
- Donor to host stem cell adhesion.(9), (10)
HBOT; Oxygen and Wound Healing Stimulate Stem Cell Success (11)
Patient Testimonial
Stem Cells to Avoid Knee Replacement
The Michael J Fox Foundation funded an recent research study (12) to engineer dopamine neurons, which degenerate and die in Parkinson’s disease, from skin and blood stem cells. Researchers are attempting to use these neuronal stem cells to replace what is lost in Parkinson’s and restore motor function. (13)
For Fun; A great example of Stem Cell success is seen in our little reptiles; salamanders are billionaires when it comes to their stem cell bank account.
Unlike humans, salamanders regenerate their entire limbs when they get damaged or cut off.
Vision Loss Can Be Helped with HBOT
Physiological Basis Of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
For Ophthalmology
Sequelae of the eye can cause devastating vision loss and blindness as well as loss of independence severely impacting any individual, their family and the health care system.
The conditions for which HBO therapy has shown clear scientific evidence are:
- Decompression sickness or arterial gas embolism with visual signs or symptoms. (1)
- Central retinal artery occlusion.
- Ocular and periocular gas gangrene.
- Cerebro-rhino-orbital mucormycosis.
- Periocular necrotizing fasciitis.
- Carbon monoxide poisoning with visual sequelae.
- Radiation optic neuropathy.
- Radiation or mitomycin C-induced scleral necrosis.
- Periorbital reconstructive surgery.
- Radiation induced macular ischemia. (2)
The authors then suggest that several other ocular disorders, such as macular degeneration and others, including some causing vision loss, which may benefit from HBOT.
The range where HBO may be effective is broad; from ischemic events of the eye to periocular brown recluse spider envenomation.
At sea level (1.0 ATA), breathing room air, arterial PO2 is approximately 100 mmHg and hemoglobin saturation is approximately 100%. When breathing 100% oxygen at greater pressures than 1.0 ATA, this additional oxygen supersaturates the hemoglobin of the red blood cells forcing the oxygen to dissolve into plasma, (3) tissues, organs (here we include our eyes) to create microvasularization or angiogenesis.
The arterial supply to the eye is via the ophthalmic artery, a branch of the internal carotid artery.
The ophthalmic artery branches to supply areas around the eyes including the optic nerve. (4)
A Stroke to the Eye; Central Retinal Artery Occlusion (CRAO)
This beautiful photo shows the central retinal artery with it’s branches around the eye.
CRAO is potentially devastating and IS an ocular emergency
because it can cause blindness.
CRAO is the ocular analogue of a cerebral stroke. (5) CRAO needs to follow the same principles of treatment as any other vascular end organ ischemic disease. That is, to attempt to reperfuse ischemic tissue as quickly as possible and to prevent a cascade of secondary inflammatory events early.
As stated earlier, the retina has a dual blood supply. HBOT may enable the secondary, choroidal circulation to supply the oxygen needs of the entire retina in CRAO. Since CRAO is often transient, this phenomenon many enable the retina to survive the period of occluded blood flow.
Retinal venous hemoglobin oxygen saturation has been shown to increase from 58% (breathing room air) to 94% in 100% hyperbaric oxygen environment. (6)
HBOT is considered acceptable, safe and effective and will assist to increase the partial pressure of oxygen delivery to ischemic tissue until spontaneous or assisted reperfusion occurs.
Because vision is an emergency, best results for vision restoration occur when oxygen therapy is given within the first 8 hours of vision loss and continued till vision resumes. Good results have also been seen if HBOT is administered within the first 24 hours. (7)
Minimal results may be seen after that depending on each patient’s own physiology.
Once Blind, her eye can now see. Read on for Lisa’s testimony of how Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy restored her vision after her “stroke to her eye.”
Additional occurrences such as post radiation injury and age-related macular degeneration can cause vision loss due to lack of oxygen and/or injury to the retina.
HBOT positively impacts the retinal cells increasing vision possibility. Because cells of the retina are specialized neurons; actually an extension of the brain, retinal cells respond to HBOT, similarly to brain-injured patients. Oxygen transport is significantly increased with HBOT, supersaturating these organs to bring healing and restoration of function. (8)
Post Radiation use of HBOT: Radiation-induced optic neuropathy (RON or RION) is one of the most common complications that may occur in patients treated with radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and other intracranial tumours. (9)
Vison loss is a devastating consequence post radiotherapy for treatment of these cancers. RON may occur months to years after the radiation treatment. To be most effective, HBO has to be initiated as soon after the onset of vision loss as possible. (10)
Here is a testimony of a 41 year old woman presenting with severe visual impairment after 4 years after her radiation therapy. HBOT was promptly instituted when other therapies failed and her vision as well as the quality of her life steadily started to improve. This improvement was documented and confirmed by her progressive recovery of the visual field in her right eye and the changes in her sequential follow-up MR scanning. (11)
HBOT and Macular Degeneration: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a significant cause of visual loss in the United States and Western Europe. As the population ages, the prevalence rate of advanced AMD is expected to double by 2030. A trial treating 14 patients with advanced AMD was done using HBOT for 60 minutes. To read more …. Significant improvements in visual acuity and/or visual field, with improvements in the activities of daily living were observed. HBOT in a monoplace chamber, combined with other therapies offers hope for additional benefit.
More reasons Why Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is effective:
Read these 22 reasons that HBOT can help you.
For wound healing, HBOT will increase growth factors, endothelial progenaitor cells (EPCs), and stem cell production. (12)
HBOT is given in a hard steel medical grade device called a Hyperbaric chamber. HBOT has been defined The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Society, as breathing 100% oxygen at a pressure greater than one atmosphere absolute (ATA). (13)
The team of dynamic professionals that make up Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery
Our award winning facility is conveniently located 10 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge in our beautiful San Francisco Bay Area. We would love for you to come and tour our facility.
We charge a fraction of the cost, using the same style chambers as a hospital-based Hyperbaric unit.
Several Eye Diseases are covered by your Insurance. We will prepare the most recent research for your specific diagnosis whenever available.
If YOU or anyone in your family
or anyone in your community might be a candidate, whose quality of life may be greatly improved for with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Please consider this remarkable medicine today.
Call us today for more information or to schedule a consultation with our Medical Hyperbaric Physician.
Advanced Hyperbaric Medical Director, Jacqueline S. Chan, DO
Hyperbaric Physician is Board Certified in Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine and Family Practice
Dr. Chan shares some tips for this cold and flu season.
Help us alleviate suffering, save or change a life, and especially
improve quality of life for our local Bay Area Neighbors!
Please Donate now.
How You can Improve Brain Function Post Concussion
September is National Traumatic
Brain Injury Awareness Month
Have you had a Traumatic Brain Injury?
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an insult or trauma to the brain caused by external mechanical forces. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), another form of TBI is a progressive degenerative disease of the brain found in people with a history of repetitive brain trauma (often athletes). This includes symptomatic concussions as well as asymptomatic subconcussive hits to the head. An estimated 10 million people affected annually by TBI in the world: 1.7 million in the U.S., causing mortality and morbidity is a dramatic imposing event on society. TBI is a pressing public health and medical problem. According to the World Health Organization, TBI will surpass many diseases as the major cause of death and disability by the year 2020.(1) Brain Trauma can effect a single or multiple area and be mild moderate or severe and can cause significant cognitive, behavioral, and communicative disabilities. Immediate therapy can support reversing damage to the brain. With delay, a chain of events and secondary injury occur where there is ongoing injury to the brain through edema, hypoxia and ischemia secondary to raised intracranial pressure, release of excitotoxic neurotransmitters and impaired calcium homeostasis. (2) The longer a person waits to receive therapy, will determine their longterm outcome.
A Beneficial Treatment for TBI, CTE, PTSD, PCS and for
Post Concussion does exist: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a painless, outpatient, physician referred, healing therapy. Our exclusive, medical grade, hard chamber technology increases the “oxygen gradient” in damaged, oxygen starved tissues, acting as a “cellular energy catapult.”
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is an effective method of treatment.
- Reduces cerebral edema and any swelling to the body (in sports or other related head injury (6)
- Reduces neuroinflammation (7)
- Increases oxygen saturation to the brain (8)
- Promotes new blood vesel growth (Angiogenesis) (9)
- Can create a 8-fold increase in your own stem cell production (10)
- Reactivates idling neurons within the most oxygen-deficient areas of the brain
- Inhibits bacterial infection
Because insurance and Medicare does not cover HBOT for bain injury, HBOT is considered “Off-Label
The yellow to red areas show increase of oxygenation.
These videos give more insight into successes and science with HBOT:
Joe Namath Please watch: (3) , (4), (5)
Sergeant Rotenberry and Wife (6)
For more investigational reporting about sports related HBOT,
please read more….
Julia, R.N. Suffers a stroke
At Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery, we provide HBOT to people in need. We are learning that even years after a trauma to the brain, there is hope. More research is needed, but the quality of life for an individual can be the difference between life and death. (11)
Falling tree limb Post Concussion Recovery
At our award winning facility, we charge a fraction of the cost using the same medical grade hard chambers and following the same standards of care as a hospital based Hyperbaric unit.
We would love for you to come and tour our facility. We will prepare the most recent research for your specific diagnosis whenever available.
If YOU or anyone in your family
or anyone in your community might be a candidate, whose quality of life may be greatly improved for with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Please consider this remarkable medicine today.
Call us today for more information or to schedule a consultation with our Medical Hyperbaric Physician.
Jacqueline S. Chan, DO
Hyperbaric Physician is Board Certified in Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine and Family Practice
Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery, Inc is an award winning facility located just 10 minutes north of the Golden Gate Bridge in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area.
We use hard steel chambers with acrylic windows that are pressurized with 100% medical grade oxygen.
JUNE is Men’s Health Month!
Just last month a study was published stating that Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is caused by microvascular or macrovascular insufficiency in the majority of patients. Studies have shown that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) can induce angiogenesis in different body organs, and that …
HBOT can induce angiogenesis
and recover erectile function.(1)
Angiogenesis is the physiological process through which new blood vessels form from pre-existing vessels(2) If tissues are damaged as a result of injury or hypoxia, this also results in damage and destruction of the supporting blood vessel structures. The healing process relies on blood supply and the blood nutrient structures to carry out healing as well as to remove damaged cells, debris and foreign micro-organisms.
Research has demonstrated that treatment with hyperbaric oxygen therapy significantly increases the number and actual size of blood vessels in damaged tissues and wounds. This allows an improved blood flow and the healing process to occur faster, speeding the recovery of the injury or wound.(3)
At Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery, we treat men daily for many reasons. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a medical technique which delivers 100 percent medical grade oxygen at ambient pressures. This will increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the blood and increase oxygen distribution to the tissues. There are several beneficial properties of HBOT concomitant with elevated oxygen distribution in tissue including anti-inflammation, angiogenesis through vascular endothelial growth factor proliferation, augmented fibroblast activity through fibroblast growth factor proliferation, tissue and wound repair, enhancement of lymphocyte and macrophage activity, increased male testosterone secretion, and bacteriostatic as well as bactericidal activity.(4)
Some diagnoses that we treat are non-healing diabetic wounds, osteoradionecrosis, osteomyelitis, post radiation treatment (part of a total of 13 FDA approved conditions). (5)
These indications are mostly covered by insurance. We treat “off label” concerns as well, such as post-concussion, stroke, post-surgical procedures, athletic exercise recovery, erectile dysfunction and more. Hyperbaric Oxygenation has also been shown to improve erectile dysfunction of penile nerve injuries. (6)
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for radiation induced proctopathy in men treated for prostate cancer, had good overall response rate to hyperbaric oxygen for radiation induced proctopathy after other attempts at management had failed.
Hyperbaric oxygen is generally well tolerated and it remains an important treatment option for managing this common and difficult disease.(6)
For further reading of the advantages of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and men’s genitourinary health, please read:
- Recovery of Erectile Function after Posterior Urethral reconstruction (8)
- Clinical Utility of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Genitourinary Medicine (9)
We are Contracted with: Kaiser Permanente, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, United Health Care, and more.
We have an insurance billing specialist who may be able to assist you in getting your Insurance to cover your addroved condition.
If YOU or anyone in your family, your medical practice,
or anyone in your life might be a candidate for relief with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Please consider this remarkable medicine today.
Call us today for more information or to schedule a consultation with our Medical Hyperbaric Physician.
Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery, Inc is an award winning facility located just 10 minutes north of the Golden Gate Bridge in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area.
We use hard steel chambers with acrylic windows that are pressurized with 100% medical grade oxygen.
Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy is FDA approved to treat 13 indications. It is considered “off label” to treat any other diagnoses not on this list. HBOT does require a physician’s prescription.
We are more than happy to consult with you.
Jacqueline S. Chan, DO
Hyperbaric Physician, Medical Director of our Brain Care Program
Dr Jacqueline S. Chan, DO is Board Certified in Family Practice, Board Certified in Holistic Medicine, Board Certified in Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine, including Osteopathic Medical Board of California.
Call for an appointment with Dr. Chan
Newsletter June 2018
Strokes are an Emergency Concern.
Think F A S T
One moment life is organized and naturally wonderful, The next, sudden moment, a person can’t smile or see or speak or think clearly.
Please watch this short 5 minute video to see a demonstration of a stroke and emergency care. (1)
Description of the condition
Stroke may be defined as a sudden neurological deficit of presumed vascular origin (2). Often, a stroke is described using the analogy of a heart attack. Similar to the heart becoming blocked and injured due to less or no oxygen during a heart attack, something has dislodged itself and is blocking a vessel preventing oxygen from getting to the brain. Understanding signs and symptoms are important to determine the emergency nature and getting a patient to the Emergency Room as soon as possible.
Time and the brain during a stroke are essential for intensive stroke management.
Ischaemic heart disease and stroke are the world’s biggest killers, accounting for a combined 15 million deaths in 2015. These diseases have remained the leading causes of death globally in the last 15 years.(3), and a leading cause of disability. About one-third of survivors require significant assistance in daily life at one year after the event (4).
Every 40 seconds in the United States, someone has a stroke. One of the common myths about stroke is that it only affects older people. While it’s true that stroke risk increases with age, anyone can have a stroke at any time. (5)
Strokes fall into three subgroups: ischemic (impairment of blood flow), which account for 87% of all stroke cases and hemorrhagic (when a weakened blood vessel ruptures causing bleeding within the brain) accounting for 23%, and TIA’s or transient ischemic attacks which are mini “warning” strokes and must be taken very seriously. The former has lower case fatality rates than hemorrhagic strokes. (6)
Early assessment will lead to the greatest outcome post stroke. Neuroimaging (preferably using computerised tomography (CT) scan) is required for optimal management.(7)
At Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery, we have an
Advanced Brain Care Program
Improved Brain Blood Flow Pattern with HBOT
by Harch P, Fogarty E, Staab P, Van Meter KHyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
- Reduces cerebral edema (8)
- Reduces neuroinflammation (9)
- Increases oxygen saturation to the brain (10)
- Promotes new blood vesel growth (Angiogenesis) (11)
- Can create a 8-fold increase in your own stem cell production (12)
- Reactivates idling neurons within the most oxygen-deficient areas of the brain (13)
Treating with Hyperbaric Oxygenation for brain injuries such as strokes is considered an “off label” indication, meaning, most insurances will not reimburse for brain injuries, there are many studies validating using HBOT post stroke, showing that increasing the level of dissolved oxygen by Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) activated neuroplasticity in patients with chronic neurologic deficiencies due to stroke even 36 months later. (13),(14).
ICU Nurse suffering from post stroke effects regains
quality of life with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy!
Because, during a cerebral ischemic event, neurological tissue suffers hypoxia, breathing 100% oxygen in a Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber at 2 atm,(approx. 14.5 PSI or 33 Feet of Sea Water) can double oxygen to the body. The deeper a patient is prescribed to “dive” will increase their PaO2 (which is the lung alveolar oxygen), even more. This treatment done as soon as possible, may prevent irreversible changes which result in unavoidable cell death in the brain, neurologic improvements and a better quality of life following treatment compared to patients studied in a control group not receiving HBOT. (15)
If YOU or anyone in your family, your medical practice,
OR anyone in your life might be a candidate for relief with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Please consider this remarkable medicine today.
Call us today for more information or to schedule a consultation with our Medical Hyperbaric Physician!
who only consults with the patient for indications, contra-indications and the feasibility of doing Medical Grade Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Jacqueline S. Chan, DO
Physician, Medical Director of our Brain Care Program
Dr Jacqueline S. Chan, DO is Board Certified in Family Practice, Board Certified in Holistic Medicine, Board Certified in Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine, including Osteopathic Medical Board of California.
Call for an appointment with Dr. Chan
Michael J. Fox in 2018
At age 30, Michael J. Fox Fox was diagnosed with young-onset Parkinson’s disease. Later that year, he launched The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, which the New York Times has called “the most credible voice on Parkinson’s research in the world.” Today the largest nonprofit funder of Parkinson’s drug development in the world, the Foundation has galvanized the search for a cure for Parkinson’s disease, and Michael is widely admired for his tireless work as a patient advocate. (1)
U.S. Senate and Local Governments Recognize April as Parkinson’s Awareness Month, bringing attention to the disease and the needs of patients.
2018 marks the 201th anniversary of Parkinson’s disease (PD). (2)
While 201 years is far too long for patients and their loved ones to wait, there has been significant scientific progress in the last few decades alone and there is tremendous cause for optimism. This Parkinson’s Awareness Month, learn how Hyperbaric Oxygen can get involved to help improve the quality of life for a Parkinson’s patient.
image credit;
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects how the person moves, including how they speak and write. Symptoms develop gradually, and may start off with ever-so-slight tremors in one hand. People with Parkinson’s disease also experience stiffness and find they cannot carry out movements as rapidly as before – this is called bradykinesia. The muscles of a person with Parkinson’s become weaker and the individual may assume an unusual posture.
Parkinson’s disease, PD, first characterized extensively by an English doctor, James Parkinson, in 1817, is a chronic, degenerative neurological disorder that affects one in 100 people over age 60.(3) While the average age at onset is 60, people have been diagnosed as young as 18. There is no objective test, or biomarker, so it is important to be diagnosed by a specialist.
Estimates of the number of people living with the disease may vary, but recent research indicates that at least one million people in the United States, and more than five million worldwide, have Parkinson’s disease.
Parkinson’s disease belongs to a group of conditions called movement disorders. (4) Movement disorders describe a variety of abnormal body movements that have a neurological basis
The exact cause of PD is unknown, although research points to a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
For most Parkinson’s patients, the cause lies somewhere in the middle. While many PD patients report one or more family members with the disease, it is not always clear that one or several genes are the cause. Similarly, while some patients suspect that exposure to one or another chemical or environmental toxin caused their PD, this also cannot be conclusively proved. Scientists currently believe that in the majority of cases, genetic and environmental factors interact to cause PD. Research into this subject continues aggressively every day. Unfortunately, however, it is generally impossible to determine what specifically caused an individual’s PD. (5)
Keeping in mind that Parkinson’s symptoms are different for different patients. Many patients experience some symptoms and not others, and the pace at which the disease worsens varies on an individual basis. Only a doctor can make a PD diagnosis and that any one symptom of PD could be caused by other conditions
Motor Symptoms: Noticable from the outside
- Bradykinesia (slowness of movement)
- Rigidity — unusual stiffness in a limb or other body part
- Resting tremor — uncontrollable limb movement at rest
- Postural instability – Uncontrollable problems with standing or walking, or impaired balance and coordination
Non-motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
- Cognitive impairment — decline in ability to multi-task and/or concentrate and potentially decline in intellectual functioning
- Mood disorders — depression and anxiety
- Problems sleeping — REM Sleep Disorder, where individuals act out their dreams
- Low blood pressure when standing
- Constipation
- Speech and swallowing problems
- Unexplained pains, drooling and smell loss
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Why is Parkinson’s Disease amenable to oxygen therapy?
Extensive animal research on Parkinson’s patients has demonstrated a non‐specific chronic inflammatory condition in the substantia nigra of the brain. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has been shown to be an anti‐inflammatory drug in many conditions. HBOT increases oxygen in the body and reduces inflammation as seen in anecdotal evidence of many patients with well established PD who have been treated with HBOT for other conditions such as diabetic foot ulcers. For example, a patient with advanced PD who is confined to a wheelchair may get up and walk across the room after a series of HBOT.
In this Chinese study, HBOT has been shown to improve symptoms and quality of life for individual with Parkinson’s.
4 Case Studies
Performed at a Hyperbaric Facility in Dallas, Texas
Case 1: This physician’s 86 year old mother with a 15-year history of PD and tremors at rest, bradykinesia, sleep disturbance, and depression taking 5 medications for PD underwent a course of 10 HBOT at 1.5 ATA. She reported an improvement in well-being and was observed to have a decrease in tremors. She underwent an additional 3 hyperbaric oxygen therapy at 1.5 ATA. The beneficial effects of the treatment appeared to be sustained over the course of the next 4 months.
Case 2: This 75 year old former corperate vice president with a 6 year history of PD taking dopaminergic drugs with resting tremors, difficulty with balance, and insomnia underwent 20 HBOT at 1.5 ATA and 3 treatments at 1.75 ATA. There was a significant improvement in tremors, balance, and insomnia, which has been maintained for 5 months. The tremors began to return, and the patient underwent 5 additional hyperbaric oxygen treatments with an improvement in symptoms.
Case 3: This 63 year old former fire fighter with a 6 year history of PD like symptoms diagnosed with PD 4 years ago had discontinued his dopaminergic agents, but continued taking amantadine for his tremors without effect. He underwent 30 HBOT at 2.0 ATA and had a complete resolution of his right hand tremor, which has been maintained for the last 5 months.
Case 4: This 69 year old practicing physician with a 3 year history of PD on dopaminergic medication had discontinued driving and reported difficulty in writing, episodes of rigidity, and always feeling “washed out”. After one HBOT treatment at 1.5 ATA, he reported feeling like “his own self again”, and after 7 treatments resumed driving. The treatment benefit appeared to last for 24 to 48 hours- the end point of the benefit strongly related to stress experienced at work. The patient underwent 13 additional HBOT treatments at 2.0 ATA (20 treatments total. He reported a complete resolution of symptoms for 1 month. The “washed out” feeling returned and after undergoing an additional 2 HBOT treatments, he felt “well,” again.
All 4 patients reported a decrease in tremors and an improvement in general well-being. The patients under went an initial course of 10 treatments and were allowed to continue treatment as needed until they perceived a plateau in benefit.
HBOT is a safe, easily administered, and relatively inexpensive treatment. K.H. Holbach reported that HBOT treatment at 1.5 ATA resulted in a balanced cerebral glucose metabolism, which indicated an improved oxygenation and energy production of the injured brain. In this preliminary study to determine if HBOT could play a role in treatment of PD, patients were treated, depending on the severity of their symptoms, from 1.5-2.0 ATA. The protocol of treatments were determined by the patient symptoms in relation to their subjective perceived benefit of treatment and the observations of the patient’s spouses or care givers. The positive preliminary results reported in this small group of patients may be due to a placebo effect.
Further evaluation in the the role of HBOT in the treatment of PD should now be considered.(6)
In this video, a patient speaks about the improvement of her life with HBOT after 18 treatments.
Because insurance and Medicare does not cover HBOT for PD, HBOT is considered “Off-Label and investigational.”
If YOU or anyone in your family, your medical practice,
OR anyone in your life might be a candidate for relief with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Please consider this remarkable medicine today.
Call us today for more information or to schedule a consultation with our Medical Hyperbaric Physician!
who only consults with the patient for indications, contra-indications and the feasibility of doing Medical Grade Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Jacqueline S. Chan, DO
Physician, Medical Director
Dr Jacqueline S. Chan, DO is Board Certified in Family Practice, Board Certified in Holistic Medicine, Board Certified in Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine, including Osteopathic Medical Board of California.
Call for an appointment with Dr. Chan
March is Brain Injury Monty

In 2017, at Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery, a large number of our patients seen were effectively treated for traumatic brain injuries (TBI).
These are 2013 stats for Traumatic Brain Injuries in the United States:
•An estimated 2.8 million people sustain a TBI annually.
Of them:
• Nearly 50,000 people die,
• 282,000 are hospitalized, and
• 2.5 million, nearly 80%, are treated and released from an emergency department (EDs).
• TBI is a contributing factor to a third (30%) of all injury-related deaths in the United States. (1)
- In 2012, an estimated 329,290 children (age 19 or younger) were treated in U.S. EDs for sports and recreation-related injuries that included a diagnosis of concussion or TBI.(2)
- From 2001 to 2012, the rate of ED visits for sports and recreation-related injuries with a diagnosis of concussion or TBI, alone or in combination with other injuries, more than doubled among children (age 19 or younger).(2)
A Brain Injury consists of a range of life events that compromise the health and function of our brain. A few examples are:
- dementia
- cognitive impairment
- near drowning
- autism
- cerebral palsy
- epilepsy
- traumatic brain injury
- stroke
In this Newsletter, we will explore the benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) for those with traumatic brain injuries.
What is Traumatic Brain Injury?
Traumatic brain injury, often referred to as TBI, is very different than most other acute events or injuries. One moment the person is normal and the next moment life has abruptly changed.
Since our brain defines who we are, the consequences of a brain injury can affect all aspects of our lives, including our personality.
Most brain injuries do not heal like other injuries such as a broken limb or punctured lung which most often heal and regain their previous function.
TBI can result in physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioral symptoms, and outcome can range from complete recovery to permanent disability or death.
Symptoms may appear right away or may not be present for days or weeks after the injury. Symptoms range from the more acute to mild. More acute with loss of consciousness and paralysis, psychosis, depression, neurological impairment to mild occurrences, where the patient often doesn’t know they have experienced a trauma at first.
image credit;
One of the consequences of brain injury is that the person often does not realize that a brain injury has occurred. (3) Symptoms can also overlap with migraine symptoms as well as symptoms that may be confused for behavioral issues in younger populations.
Symptoms of TBI range from mild to moderate, then severe. Medical Practitioners will use the Glasgow Coma Scale “GCS” (4), for estimating and categorizing the outcomes of brain injury via a scale of 1-15. The GCS score is determined by measuring values of Motor response, Verbal response and Eye opening and adding them up as the basis of overall social capability or dependence on others.
Glasgow Coma Scale in (parenthesis)
- MIld TBI; (13-15). Typically defined as a head injury with a temporary loss of brain function. Symptoms may include headache, trouble with thinking, memory, or concentration, nausea, blurry vision, sleep disturbances, or mood changes. Some symptoms may begin immediately, while other may appear days after the injury. Fewer than 10% of sports-related concussions among children are associated with loss of consciousness. It is not unusual for symptoms to last up to four weeks.
- Moderate TBI; (9-12). Loss of consciousness greater than 30 minutes. Physical or cognitive impairments which may or may resolve. Benefit from Rehabilitation
- Severe TBI; (3-8). Coma: unconscious state. No meaningful response, no voluntary activities
by Harch P, Fogarty E, Staab P, Van Meter K
Improved Brain Flow pattern with HBOT
Dr. Paul Harch tells us that “hyperbaric oxygen therapy
is a treatment for wounds in the body at any location.” (5)
We now know that even years later, HBOT will be effective.
Doctor Harch has been doing research for treating wounds
in the brain for almost 30 years.
Brain SPECT scan of a traumatic brain injury
before and after Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment
The application of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to chronic traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be traced to clinical practice and research in South Florida and New Orleans, Louisiana. It is well known that the practice of HBOT in chronic neurological conditions was pioneered by the late Dr. Richard Neubauer in the 1970s.
For more information visit HBOT in the Treatment of Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is an effective method of treatment.
- Reduces cerebral edema and any swelling to the body (in sports or other related head injury (6)
- Reduces neuroinflammation (7)
- Increases oxygen saturation to the brain (8)
- Promotes new blood vesel growth (Angiogenesis)(9)
- Can create a 8-fold increase in your own stem cell production (10)
- Reactivates idling neurons within the most oxygen-deficient areas of the brain
Because insurance and Medicare does not cover HBOT for bain injury, HBOT is considered “Off-Label and investigational.”
Recovery is defined as “functional recovery,” which deals with issues associated with “functioning” or the performance of daily activities that are required for self-maintenance (earning an income and maintaining a residence), as well as social activities, based on mechanisms that remain uncertain. No two brain injuries are alike and the consequence of two similar injuries may be very different.
If YOU or anyone in your family, your medical practice,
OR anyone in your life might be a candidate for relief with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Please consider this remarkable medicine today.
Call us today for more information or to schedule a consultation with our Medical Hyperbaric Physician!
who only consults with the patient for indications, contra-indications and the feasibility of doing Medical Grade Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Jacqueline S. Chan, DO
Physician, Medical Director
Dr Jacqueline S. Chan, DO is Board Certified in Family Practice, Board Certified in Holistic Medicine, Board Certified in Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine, including Osteopathic Medical Board of California.
Call for an appointment with Dr. Chan
February 2018 Newsletter – February 4th is World Cancer Day